美國流行樂團魔力紅(Maroon 5)的39 歲主唱亞當李維(Adam Levine),先前在個人社群上炮轟 MTV 音樂獎主辦單位,認為黑人歌手唐納·葛洛佛(Childish Gambino)的《This is America》音樂錄影帶以及歌曲相當具有意義,相當在意他沒有入圍這件事,不過隔了幾天隨即撤除 PO 並公開道歉。
▼唐納·葛洛佛(Childish Gambino)的《This is America》音樂錄影帶探討美國存在已久的許多問題,包括槍枝氾濫等利用駭人真實的拍攝方式引發各界關注。

▼亞當李維(Adam Levine)原文提到:「今年唐納·葛洛佛發布了有史以來最具影響力,發人深思的音樂錄影帶。我確信他並不在乎他沒有被提名參加VMA,因為他很酷,但我很在意。因為我沒那麼酷。」(This year, Childish Gambino released one of the most impactful, thought provoking and intelligent videos ever made.I'm sure he doesn't care that he wasn't nominated for a VMA because he's cool as f*** and everything. But I care. Because I'm NOT that cool.)

▼「通常我不會把說過的話吞回去,但這次我會。我有所糾正、我很抱歉,但我還是很討厭 MTV」(S***. I don't usually put my foot in my mouth. But this time I did,' then explained what his flub had been. 'How I didn't get the right info is beyond me. I stand corrected. I'm sorry MTV. Still hate you though. but Mostly... I'm Sorry.)

看來亞當李維(Adam Levine)這次與 MTV 音樂頻道樑子結大了,全都是因為黑人歌手唐納·葛洛佛(Childish Gambino)的《This is America》音樂錄影帶,而這支音樂錄影帶也持續充滿爭議。