Kyrie Irving 先前曾語出驚人公開支持「地平說」(Flat–Earth Theory)的理論,引起聯盟球員與社會一片譁然,甚至有地理老師抱怨,班上的中學生都不願相信他,卻相信 Kyrie,讓他感到十足惶恐。隨後,剛加盟 Boston Celetics 在《Toucher and Rich》的訪問節目中,終於承認「地平說」說只是在向外界開玩笑,更表示這是個針對社會的實驗,想知道從他口中講出這樣荒謬的言論,會造成什麼影響。
▼ Kyrie Irving 訪談內容原文如下:
「Look, look. Here it is. All I want to do is be able to have that open conversation. It was all an exploitation tactic. It literally spun the world — your guy’s world — it spun it into a frenzy and proved exactly what I thought it would do in terms of how all this works. It created a division, or, literally stand up there and let all these people throw tomatoes at me, or have somebody think I’m somehow a different intellectual person because I believe that the earth is flat and you think the world is round. It created exactly that.」
「It became like, because I think different, does that knock my intellectual capacity or the fact that I can think different things than you? That was the intent behind it. Do your own research, don’t come to me and ask me. At the end of the day, you’re going to feel and believe the way you want to feel. But don’t knock my life over that.」
「When I do something, I know my intent. And it proved what I thought it would.」
這番言論成功引起了不少迴響,連新隊友 Jaylen Brown 都傾向支持 Kyrie 的說法。想知道更多 Kyrie Irving 的相關消息不妨可以點擊這裡了解詳情。