被譽為模範夫妻、結婚已 17 年的維多莉亞貝克漢(Victoria Beckham)與大衛貝克漢(David Beckham),儘管俊男配美女,卻也不可缺少一些運氣,才可同時遇到最愛、擁有美好家庭與成功的事業。
但原來維多莉亞貝克漢也有迷失的年輕時代,她近日在《 Vogue 》發表一封給 18 歲自己的信,寫道「我知道你現在正痛苦於自己不是最漂亮的、最瘦的,或在萊恩戲劇藝術學院中最會跳舞的人」原來她曾對自已的外表無太大信心,認為自己並非最有才華的人,只是一個平凡小角色,前路茫茫不知如何是好。並以「是的,一見鍾情確實存在」道出了他與丈夫在曼聯球員休息室的首次相遇,大衛向她詢問聯絡方法時,半帶醉的維多莉亞已對他一見鍾情。
除了成長與愛情,維多莉亞也分享了對時裝的看法,由不穿高跟鞋會死的時代,慢慢走出舒適圈而愛上 adidas Stan Smith ,由性感迷你裙慢慢轉為愛上白恤衫,這一切一切的成長,看來維多莉亞都放在心裡了。由一見鍾情、戀愛、結婚、擁有四個小孩的快樂家庭,他完成了足球員夢,她也有自己的時裝品牌了,一路走來得來不易,可是他們依舊是不少新婚夫妻的超級典範。
網路上不少評語說大衛沒變,只是維多莉亞已不是當初那個她了,但大衛說過一句很感人的話「我喜歡維多莉亞,就算她在特易購(TESCO)工作也喜歡」,不論另一半的夢想是什麼,默默地給予陪伴與尊重,愛就是這樣簡單的一回事。看完維多莉亞給 18 歲自己的信,你有回想起當年的自己嗎?又會給自己一些什麼樣的忠告呢?
圖片來源:People style
“Learn more about football, especially the offside rule. And yes, love at first sight does exist. It will happen to you in the Manchester United players’ lounge — although you will get a little drunk, so exact details are hazy. While the other football players stand at the bar drinking with their mates, you will see David standing aside with his family. (He’s not even in the first team at this stage — you are the famous one.) And he has such a cute smile. You, too, are close to your family, and you will think how similar he feels to you. He’s going to ask for your number. (He still has the London-to-Manchester plane ticket on which you wrote it.)
I know you are struggling right now. You are not the prettiest, or the thinnest, or the best at dancing at the Laine Theatre Arts college. You have never properly fitted in, although you are sharing your Surrey school digs with really nice girls. You have bad acne. You think the principal has put you at the back of the end-of-year show (in a humiliatingly bright purple Lycra leotard) because you are too plump to go at the front. (This may or may not be true.)
You are going to have so much fun with your clothes — PVC catsuits; chokers that say absurd things; weird spiky blonde hair. It will never occur to you that you appear ridiculous. You will turn up at awards ceremonies resembling a drag queen. But I look back at you and smile. It will add interest to your life to go from one extreme to another. I love the fact that you will feel free to express yourself.
Fashion will take on added stature one day, but try not to be stifled by it. You will learn, as you mature, to swap heels for Stan Smith trainers, minidresses for crisp white shirts. And you will never be one of those people who just roll out of bed."