如果提到近期在時尚潮流圈屢屢創造話題的人物,那就非 Virgil Abloh 莫屬!Louis Vuitton 創意總監、Off-White x Nike 解構風潮等都能見識到他所投下的震撼彈。但近日 Virgil Abloh 則在受訪時提到另位潮流大神:「And I think that has described a whole generation of young black kids and artists who have since been determined to be themselves and jump through that door that was opened by Pharrell.」
延伸閱讀👉除了球鞋真的沒梗了嗎?Off-White 主理人 Virgil Abloh 被 diss 到爆的「4 大原因」:靠抄襲也能出頭天?